May the month of Mary. Not Mary of
the sentimental pictures, not Mary of the many, endless, pious, pietistic
stories. No. Mary, the fifteen year old girl, filled with the wisdom of God and
of the ages. Mary talking to an angel with dignity and directness. Mary of the
immense Fiat, said with a humility that surpasses all understanding.
Mary of the Visitation. Selfless.
Forgetting her own precarious position and fearlessly going to assist
Elizabeth. Mary the poet, the handmaid of the Lord singing her magnificent
Magnificat! Mary, the Mother of God, the poor woman of Bethlehem. Mary, the
housewife in Nazareth. Mary of the hidden life. Mary under the Cross, sharing
Christ's passion… and Christ's love. Loving even those who crucified Him. Mary
of the Pieta.
Nowhere is there anything
sentimental about Mary. Yet from the moment she enters the pages of history,
she becomes our model. Truly we go to Jesus through Mary. First because He came
through her to us... then because she teaches by example all that we need so
desperately to learn. We who walk in fears… whose days are filled with neurotic
anxieties… who won't believe unless we “see and touch”. How desperately we need
you, Mary of the Annunciation.
We who worship self so constantly
that each has become a lonely island unable to communicate with one another let
alone love one another... how desperately we need you, Mary of the Visitation.
We who are afraid of the slightest
discomfort, whose lives revolve about more cars, more bathrooms, more TVs, more
gadgets, more material wealth and goods… how desperately we need you, Mary of
Bethlehem and Nazareth.
We the lonely ones always seeking a
crowd, always on the go, to this meeting, that cocktail party, this dance, that
date… how desperately we need you, Mary of the hidden life.
We who are so fearful of pain, so
afraid of the Cross, so eager to be ‘Cross-less’ Catholics... how desperately
we need you, Mary of Golgotha, Mary of the Pieta.
We who are afraid to love our own,
even our friends, who have forgotten oh, so often, the very meaning of love,
how desperately we need you, Mary loving Mother of mankind.
Mary of a thousand titles, Mary
my mother, teach me, teach us, faith, trust, selflessness, poverty, detachment,
obedience...and caritas—love—your Son! Amen.
Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Restoration, May 1961
Reflection – This article from the
Madonna House newspaper Restoration
(in continuous publication since 1947!) is a prime example of what I call
Catherine’s mystical realism. Catherine
was a mystic: she saw beneath and
behind and above the level of the sensible, the tangible, the prosaic, to the
reality, the mystery, and the action of God and the communion of saints.
Whether her sighting of this level of mystical reality was in the order of
visions and extraordinary experiences or of spiritual insight and understanding
is really irrelevant. She saw it, she knew it, and her writings are utterly
filled with mysticism of the highest order.
Her genius lies in
her capacity to connect and ground that mysticism in a profound realism. She was rooted in the ordinary,
the concrete, the practical, and brought a full human level of engagement to
all of it, working very hard every day, organizing, training, teaching, all the
while keenly interested and involved with all the issues of the day of
politics, economics, and culture.
She was a mystical realist. She knew that we are
not really practically engaged in the concrete needs and circumstances of our
world unless we are deeply rooted in the mysteries of God and of heaven.
And so
we see in this beautiful, simple article, how aware Catherine was of the social
malaise of her day, a malaise which has only intensified in the ensuing 50
years: frenetic busyness, consumerism, avoidance of suffering, isolation and
loneliness. All of this Madonna House has consistently opposed in our life of
prayer and work, voluntary poverty, community life and acceptance of the Cross
as it comes to us in our daily life.
As someone who struggles with the "saccharine piety" version and images of Mary thank you! Frenetic busyness and Crossless Catholics describes the reality and temptations on the ground so to speak of many of us who are failing forward as faithful (or at least trying to be faithful) Catholics in a modern world.
You are welcome! Praise God.